Category: Cryptography

BSidesSF CTF 2021 Author writeup: Hangman Battle Royale, where you defeat 1023 AI players!

Hi Everybody!

This is going to be a challenge-author writeup for the Hangman Battle Royale challenge from BSides San Francisco 2021.

This is actually a reasonable simple challenge, overall. I got the idea of using a bad mt19937 implementation (the Mersenne Twister PRNG used by Ruby and Python) from SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2020 (which is still online if you want to play!), and wanted to build a challenge around it. I had the idea of Battleship originally, but ended up deciding on Hangman for reasons I no longer remember, but that I’m sure made sense at the time.

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BSidesSF CTF: Choose your own keyventure: rsa-debugger challenge!

Thanks to symmetric (aka Brandon Enright) for this wonderful guest post! I tried to proofread it, but holy math Batman!! –Ron / @iagox86

Hey all, this is symmetric here! I was thrilled to be once again involved in running the BSidesSF CTF with such creative teammates and skilled CTF players.

My favorite challenge this year was rsa-debugger which, despite getting 12 solves, was actually quite hard. In this post I’d like to tell you a bit about the genesis of the challenge and how to solve it.

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BSidesSF CTF: Hard reversing challenge: Chameleon

For my third and final blog post about the BSidesSF CTF, I wanted to cover the solution to Chameleon. Chameleon is loosely based on a KringleCon challenge I wrote (video guide), which is loosely based on a real-world penetration test from a long time ago. Except that Chameleon is much, much harder than either.

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In BSidesSF CTF, calc.exe exploits you! (Author writeup of launchcode)

Hey everybody,

In addition to genius, whose writeup I already posted, my other favourite challenge I wrote for BSidesSF CTF was called launchcode. This will be my third and final writeup for BSidesSF CTF for 2019, but you can see all the challenges and solutions on our Github releases page.

This post will be more about how I developed this, since the solution is fairly straight forward once you know how it’s implemented.

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Some crypto challenges: Author writeup from BSidesSF CTF

Hey everybody,

This is yet another author’s writeup for BSidesSF CTF challenges! This one will focus on three crypto challenges I wrote: mainframe, mixer, and decrypto!

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Going the other way with padding oracles: Encrypting arbitrary data!

A long time ago, I wrote a couple blogs that went into a lot of detail on how to use padding oracle vulnerabilities to decrypt an encrypted string of data. It’s pretty important to understand to use a padding oracle vulnerability for decryption before reading this, so I’d suggest going there for a refresher.

When I wrote that blog and the Poracle tool originally, I didn’t actually know how to encrypt arbitrary data using a padding oracle. I was vaguely aware that it was possible, but I hadn’t really thought about it. But recently, I decided to figure out how it works. I thought and thought, and finally came up with this technique that seems to work. I also implemented it in Poracle in commit a5cfad76ad.

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GitS 2015: (hash extension vulnerability)

As many of you know, last weekend was Ghost in the Shellcode 2015! There were plenty of fun challenges, and as always I had a great time competing! This will be my first of four writeups, and will be pretty simple (since it simply required me to use a tool that already exists (and that I wrote :) ))

The level was called “knockers”. It’s a simple python script that listens on an IPv6 UDP port and, if it gets an appropriately signed request, opens one or more other ports. The specific challenge gave you a signed token to open port 80, and challenged you to open up port 7175. The service itself listened on port 8008 (“BOOB”, to go with the “knockers” name :) ).

You can download the original level here (Python).

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A padding oracle example

Early last week, I posted a blog about padding oracle attacks. I explained them in detail, as simply as I could (without making diagrams, I suck at diagrams). I asked on Reddit about how I could make it easier to understand, and JoseJimeniz suggested working through an example. I thought that was a neat idea, and working through a padding oracle attack by hand seems like a fun exercise!

(Having done it already and writing this introduction afterwards, I can assure you that it isn’t as fun as I thought it’d be :) )

I’m going to assume that you’ve read my previous blog all the way through, and jump right into things!

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Padding oracle attacks: in depth

This post is about padding oracle vulnerabilities and the tool for attacking them - “Poracle” I’m officially releasing right now. You can grab the Poracle tool on Github!

At my previous job — Tenable Network Security — one of the first tasks I ever had was to write a vulnerability check for MS10-070 — a padding oracle vulnerability in It’s an interesting use of a padding oracle vulnerability, since it leads to code execution, but this blog is going to be a more general overview of padding oracles. When I needed to test this vuln, I couldn’t find a good writeup on how they work. The descriptions I did find were very technical and academic, which I’m no good at. In fact, when it comes to reading academic papers, I’m clueless and easily frightened. But, I struggled through them, and now I’m gonna give you a writeup that even I’d be able to understand!

By the way, the Wikipedia page for this attack isn’t very good. If somebody wants to summarize my blog and make it into a Wikipedia page, there’s now a source you can reference. :)

On a related note, I’m gonna be speaking at Shmoocon in February: “Crypto: You’re doing it wrong”. Among other things, I plan to talk about padding oracles and hash extension attacks — I’m really getting into this crypto thing!

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Everything you need to know about hash length extension attacks

You can grab the hash_extender tool on Github!

(Administrative note: I'm no longer at Tenable! I left on good terms, and now I'm a consultant at Leviathan Security Group. Feel free to contact me if you need more information!)

Awhile back, my friend @mogigoma and I were doing a capture-the-flag contest at One of the levels of the contest required us to perform a hash length extension attack. I had never even heard of the attack at the time, and after some reading I realized that not only is it a super cool (and conceptually easy!) attack to perform, there is also a total lack of good tools for performing said attack! After hours of adding the wrong number of null bytes or incorrectly adding length values, I vowed to write a tool to make this easy for myself and anybody else who's trying to do it. So, after a couple weeks of work, here it is!

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