Category: PlaidCTF (2014)

PlaidCTF writeup for Pwn-275 – Kappa (type confusion vuln)

Hey folks,

This is my last writeup for PlaidCTF! You can get a list of all my writeups here. Kappa is a 275-point pwnable level called Kappa, and the goal is to capture a bunch of Pokemon and make them battle each other!

Ultimately, this issue came down to a type-confusion bug that let us read memory and call arbitrary locations. Let’s see why!

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PlaidCTF writeup for Web-100 – PolygonShifter (blind sql injection)

Hey folks,

I know in my last blog I promised to do a couple exploit ones instead of doing boring Web stuff. But, this level was really easy and I still wanted to do a writeup, so you’re just going to have to wait a little while longer for my ‘kappa’ writeup!

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PlaidCTF writeup for Pwn-200 (a simple overflow bug)

I know what you’re thinking of: what’s with all the Web levels!?

Well, I was saving the exploitation levels for last! This post will be about Pwnable-200 (ezhp), and the next one will be Pwnable-275 (kappa). You can get the binary for ezhp here, and I highly recommend poking at this if you’re interested in exploitation—it’s actually one of the easiest exploitation levels you’ll find!

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PlaidCTF writeup for Web-300 – whatscat (SQL Injection via DNS)

Hey folks,

This is my writeup for Whatscat, just about the easiest 300-point Web level I’ve ever solved! I wouldn’t normally do a writeup about a level like this, but much like the mtpox level I actually wrote the exact tool for exploiting this, and even wrote a blog post about it almost exactly 4 years ago - April of 2010. Unlike mtpox, this tool isn’t the least bit popular, but it sure made my life easy!

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PlaidCTF writeup for Web-200 – kpop (bad deserialization)

Hello again!

This is my second writeup from PlaidCTF this past weekend! It’s for the Web level called kpop, and is about how to shoot yourself in the foot by misusing serialization (download the files). There are at least three levels I either solved or worked on that involved serialization attacks (mtpox, reeekeeeeee, and this one), which is awesome because this is a seriously undersung attack. Good on the PPP!

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PlaidCTF writeup for Web-150 – mtpox (hash extension attack)

Hey folks,

This is going to be my first of a couple writeups about this past weekend’s CTF: PlaidCTF!

My first writeup is for a 150-point Web level called mtpox. I chose this one to do first not only because it’s the first level I completed, but also because the primary vulnerability was a hash extension issue, and I wrote one of most popular tools for exploiting those. So it’s like the level made for me!

(Actually, there’s another level that I wrote a less popular tool for. I’ll talk about that one in my next post. :) )

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