WARNING: Wiki content is an archive, no promise about quality!
- Ask Cleric about her history, since we didn't have a chance with our last cleric
- Try and figure out who Tooman/Tookwin/humans/elves/etc. are. Eventually decide to aim for the humans
- Land, introduce ourselves, get sent to talk to the Captain, Selene
- Hand over Stabby
- Asks to destroy the catapults/sabotage the gate
- Ask for land
- 1000gp each
- Ask to move troops for a distraction
- Paladin/Monk arrested
- Check out main gate (labelled "heavily defended main gate" or something)
- Circle around in front of the side door (labelled "secret entrance"?)
- 4 guards over door
- Orc is gonna be sneaky, fails miserably
- Dwarf/Cleric shoot guards, Sam runs for door
- Orc tries to charm person, fails
- Third guard is killed, guard with no bow runs
- Get through door, kill the last guard
- Three more guards show up
- Cleric/ranger miss
- Sam Sneak Attacks one, kills him
- Wizard bonks one
- Cleric/Ranger finish them off
- Put our conscript tunics back on
- Drag bodies into cafe
- Realize we haven't eaten in a day, grab some food
- Go for first catapult
- Find an armoury, ignore it
- Climb to wall, go to roof
- Sam tries to talk his way out of it, fails miserably
- Guards attack the party, Sam throws his dagger, pwns a guard
- Cleric/Dwarf fight one guard, while Sam fights 2 non-guards (engineer?)
- Orc casts something (fireball? cold thing? I don't remember) at the 2 guys + sam. Sam makes his evasion test.
- Decide to hack the catapult ("I sure hope they don't burn it!")
- Guards coming up, cast "sleep"
- Kill the guard that came up
- Find the other guard sleeping on the ladder
- Take his clothes (since they're clean)
- He wakes up, naked. Sam intimidates
- Look out at the main gate + other catapult. Wizard/Cleric out of spells, everybody wounded. To be continued.........