Wiki: D&D Session 6

WARNING: Wiki content is an archive, no promise about quality!

  • Search the cart (again)
  • Find some glass vials, beakers
  • Cast detect magic
    • Bottles are magical
    • Monk insists that the box they're in is magical
  • Walk for the day
  • Make camp
    • Refuse to let the monk watch, since he's been bitten
  • During second watch, animals stop making noise
  • Wake up the dwarf
  • Put the torch in the field
  • Shoot some arrows at the grass, burn it all down
  • Two zombies eventually show up, kill them
  • Don't let Krellus move or talk
  • Rest
  • Krellus starts casting identify
  • 6 zombies show up
  • Pepper them with arrows
  • Kill the 3 remaining
  • Sam realizes he isn't counting his bolts
  • Krellus identifies potions: remove curse + cure disease
  • Sam drinks the cure disease. Woo!
  • Approach the city gate
  • Check for traps
  • Open it up
  • Zombies!
  • Krellus/Paladin climb stairs
  • Rest of the party goes out the gate
  • Zombies start climbing
  • Krellus/Paladin jump off the wall
  • Run
  • Dwarf trips
  • Fight another zombie
  • Run away
  • Argue about which direction to go while the zombies are catching up
  • Force march
    • Sam passes out
  • Find another zombie
    • Kill it
  • Make camp