Wiki: DSRelay

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Dead (Damn?) Simple Relay


  • Move the relay stuff into a module
  • Add support for *nix
  • Clean up the commandline interface


This is essentially an N-way relay for sockets. It can listen on a port and connect outbound to any number of others. This type of relay can be useful for penetration testing; the attacker exploits a server to get a shell, drops this on, and can relay additional attacks through it.

Usage: dsrelay [options] [<host:port> [<host:port>[<host:port>[...]]]]

-l <port>      Listen for incoming connections
-w             Wait for an incoming connection before making outbound
               connections (must be in listen mode). Use multiple 'w's to
               wait for multiple incoming connections (-ww, -www, -www, ...)
-W <N>         As -w, but wait for N incoming connections
-v             Be verbose (print notifications for connects/disconnects)
-vv            Be very verbose (print notifications for packets)
-d             Show raw data
-dd            Show raw data with some context
-s             Sanitize the raw data (replace non-printable characters,
               including newlines)
-t <N>         Terminate when there are <=N active connections (default 0)
               Note: only happens after waiting (-w) threshold is reached
-T             Terminates when any connection closes
-e             Terminate on any winsock error (eg, failed connection)
-r             Restarts each outbound connection when any connection ends

Either -l or multiple outgoing connections must be given.

Example 1, to create a relay between localhost and Google, watching data:
c:\> dsrelay -vv -dd -eT -w -l 80

Example 2, to create an outbound-only tunnel to Google, watching data:
c:\> dsrelay -eT localhost:4444

Example 3, to create a tunnel to a locally-running VNC server, with a monitor
           (listens on 5901 (vnc:1), relays data to 5900 (vnc:0), and copies it
           to 4444 (presumably a netcat listener)
c:\> dsrelay -w -e -T -l 5901 localhost:5900 localhost:4444

Example 4, to forward a Hydra attack against a FTP server
           (here, we use a second connection (probably a netcat client) to
           the connection. Every time Hydra reconnects, the connection resets,
           but when the other disconnects, it falls below the threshold of 1
           connection and the session terminates.
           Note: Hydra must be set to one connection (-t1) for this to work.


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