Wiki: Dnsxss

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dnsxss is designed to send back malicious responses to DNS queries in order to test DNS lookup servers for common classes of vulnerabilities. By default, dnsxss returns a string containing some Javascript code to all MX, CNAME, NS, and TEXT requests, in the hopes that the DNS lookup will be displayed in a browser.

When I originally wrote this, I tested it on a handful of Internet sites. Every one of them was vulnerable.

I haven't tried testing other vulnerabilities, like SQL injection or shell injection, but I suspect that this is a great attack vector for those and other vulnerabilities, because people don't realize that malicious traffic can be returned.


./dnsxss [-t <test string>]
 -a <address>
    The address sent back to the user when an A request is made. Can be used
    to disguise this as a legitimate DNS server. Default:
 -aaaa <address>
    The address sent back to the user when an AAAA (IPv6) request is made. Can
    be used to disguise this as a legitimate DNS server. Default: ::1.
 -d <domain>
    The domain to put after the test string. It should be the same as the
    one that points to your host.
 --payload <data>
    The string containing the HTML characters, that will ultimately test for
    the cross-site scripting vulnerability. Ultimately, this can contain any
    type of attack, such as sql-injection. One thing to note is that DNS
    generally seems to filter certain characters; in my testing, anything with
    an ASCII code of 0x20 (Space) or lower was replaced with an escaped
    /xxx, and brackets had a backslash added before them.
    <script src=''></script>
    Note that unless a TEXT record is requested, spaces are replaced with
    slashes ('/'), which work in Firefox but not IE.
    By default, spaces in the payload are replaced with slashes ('/') because
    the DNS protocol doesn't like spaces. Use this flag to bypass that
 --test <domain>
    Test to see if we are the authoritative nameserver for the given domain.
 -u --username
    The username to use when dropping privileges. Default: nobody.
 -s --source <address>
    The local address to bind to. Default: any (
 -p --port <port>
    The local port to listen on. I don't recommend changing this.
    default: 53


Running this program without arguments returns a pretty typical cross-site scripting string:

$ dig @localhost -t TXT test
test.                   1       IN      TXT     "<script src=''></script>.test"

This will display a messagebox on the user's screen alerting them to the issue. You can change the payload using the --payload argument and point it at, for example, a BeEF server.

Authoritative DNS server

Many functions of this tool require you to be the authoritative nameserver for a domain. This typically costs money, but is fairly cheap and has a lot of benefits. If you aren't sure whether or not you're the authority, you can use the --test argument to this program, or you can directly run the dnstest program, also included.