WARNING: Wiki content is an archive, no promise about quality!
Italic text = un-official skill
These skills are a combination of skills found in the core rulebook, the keeper's handbook (#1), and skills that I invented. If you have any questions, see me.
- Accounting (10%)
- Anthropology (1%)
- Archaeology (1%)
- Art [specific type] (5%)
- Astronomy (1%)
- Bargain (5%)
- Biochemistry (1%)
- Biology (1%)
- Block (DEX x 2%)
- Botany (1%)
- Business (5%)
- Cartography (1%)
- Chemistry (1%)
- Climb (40%)
- Computer Use (1%)
- Conceal (15%)
- Counterfeit/Forge (1%)
- Craft [specific item] (5%)
- Credit Rating (15%) -- Replaced by Reputation
- Cryptography (1%)
- Cthulhu Mythos (0%)
- Disguise (1%)
- Dodge (DEX x 2%)
- Drive Auto (20%)
- Electrical Repair (10%)
- Electronics (1%)
- Explosives (1%)
- Fast Talk (5%)
- First Aid (30%)
- Folklore (5%)
- Geology (1%)
- Heavy Weapons (5%)
- Hide (10%)
- History (20%)
- Internet Use (1%) -- Like library use, except on the Internet. Keep in mind that my campaign is set in the early 1990s, so the Internet isn't quite as prolific as it is today.
- Jump (20%)
- Law (5%)
- Library Use (25%)
- Listen (25%)
- Literature (10%)
- Locksmith (1%)
- Martial Arts (1%)
- Mathematics (EDU x 2%)
- Mechanical Repair (20%)
- Medicine (5%)
- Meteorology (10%)
- Natural History (10%)
- Navigate (10%)
- Occult (5%)
- Operate Heavy Machinery (1%)
- Other Language [specific] (1%)
- Parachute (1%)
- Persuade (15%)
- Pharmacy (1%)
- Philosophy & Religion (5%)
- Photography (10%)
- Pilot Boat (1%)
- Pilot Civil Prop (1%)
- Pilot Civil Jet (1%)
- Pilot Airliner (1%)
- Pilot Jet Fighter (1%)
- Pilot Helecopter (1%)
- Polar Survival (1%)
- Programming (1%)
- Psychiatry (1%)
- Psychoanalysis (1%)
- Psychology (5%)
- Psychotherapy (1%)
- Radio Operator (1%)
- Reputation (15%) -- Replaced Credit Rating
- Ride (5%)
- Safe Cracking (1%)
- Sense Motive (10%)
- Sleight of Hand (10%)
- Sneak (10%)
- Spot Hidden (25%)
- Swim (25%)
- Throw (25%)
- Track (10%)
- Zoology (1%)
- Handgun (20%)
- Machine Gun (15%)
- Rifle (25%)
- Shotgun (30%)
- SMG (15%)