Hey all,
In honour of this special day, I’m releasing an Nmap script I wrote a few months ago as a challenge: http-california-plates.nse. To install it, ensure you’re at the latest svn version of Nmap (I fixed a bug in http.lua last night that prevented this from working, so only the svn version as of today will work), download http-california-plates.nse, and install it. To use it, you run Nmap as usual, against any server and any ports, the http-california-plates script, and a special script argument called ‘plate’. ‘plate’ can be two to seven characters, and the script will validate whether or not it’s a valid plate in California, and whether or not it’s already being used!
Here is what you can expect to see if a plate isn’t available:
$ nmap -p22 localhost --script=http-california-plates --script-args=plate=abcdef Starting Nmap 5.30BETA1 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-04-01 08:27 CDT NSE: Script Scanning completed. Nmap scan report for localhost ( Host is up (0.0011s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh Host script results: |_http-california-plates: Plate is not available!
And here’s what you see if a plate IS available:
$ ./nmap --script=http-california-plates --script-args=plate=inscure -p22 localhost Starting Nmap 5.30BETA1 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-04-01 08:31 CDT [...] Host script results: |_http-california-plates: Plate is available!
Never again will you have to spend your valuable seconds finding the California DMV’s online tool for checking!
How's it work?
This script is dead simple – it just makes three HTTP requests to a site. The first one is a simple GET request to this page: https://xml.dmv.ca.gov/IppWebV3/initPers.do
This page is simply generates the session cookie, which is saved. The second request is a POST to here (I’m adding the arguments as GET to save space): https://xml.dmv.ca.gov/IppWebV3/processPers.do?imageSelected=plateMemorial.jpg&vehicleType=AUTO&isVehLeased=no&plateType=R
Finally, the actual license plate it sent: https://xml.dmv.ca.gov/IppWebV3/processConfigPlate.do?kidsPlate=&plateType=R&plateLength=7&plateChar0=A&plateChar1=B&…
And the response is parsed for success, failure, or error message.
Happy April Fool’s :)
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