Wiki: Example 6

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The previous example demonstrates how to crack a game. This example goes one step further and demonstrates how to write a keygen for that game.

As with the previous example, if you want the name of the game, please contact me privately -- if I know you, I'll let you know which game and where to find it. If I don't know you, I won't be able to tell you. I'm not sure what the legality of this is, but I don't want to piss anybody off.

Unregistering the Game

To unregister the game, go into the "data" folder in the program's directory and delete the newest file.

The Next Step

Recall this code from the previous example:

    push    ebp
    mov     ebp, esp
    movsx   eax, word_111111
    push    eax
    call    sub_222222
    pop     ecx
    cmp     word_333333, ax
    jnz     short registerfail
    mov     ds:IsRegistered, 1      ; <--------- You end up here
    jmp     short endfunction

    mov     ds:IsRegistered, 0

    mov     esp, ebp
    pop     ebp

We determined that "call sub_222222" likely converts the registration code to the key expected from the user. With this in mind, double-click on the function and have a look at the code. I'll post the exact code from the function here, and as usual I recommend you try and figure it out on your own. Can you write a keygen without peaking at my code?

When looking over this, note that it's just a series of divisions and multiplications of the parameter. The divisions all use "edx", which means that they're modular divisions. Note that the multiplications use two parameters, which means that the result is stored in the first one, not in edx:eax (see the section on instructions if you don't remember this -- there's a good chance that you don't remember reading it because I just added it).

Here's the code:

    GenerateCode proc near

    arg_0= dword ptr  8

    push    ebx
    mov     edx, [esp+arg_0] ; edx gets the reg code
    xor     ebx, ebx
    mov     ebx, edx
    lea     eax, [edx+7]
    imul    ebx, eax
    lea     ebx, [ebx+33h]
    mov     ecx, 8085h
    mov     eax, ebx
    idiv    ecx
    mov     ebx, edx
    imul    ebx, 4Fh
    mov     ecx, 702Fh
    mov     eax, ebx
    idiv    ecx
    mov     ebx, edx
    shl     ebx, 5
    lea     eax, [edx+edx*2]
    sub     ebx, eax
    mov     ecx, 47A9h
    mov     eax, ebx
    idiv    ecx
    mov     ebx, edx
    imul    ebx, 2DBh
    mov     ecx, 2710h
    mov     eax, ebx
    idiv    ecx
    mov     ebx, edx
    lea     eax, [ebx+2710h]
    pop     ebx

    GenerateCode endp

C Code

In previous examples, I documented every line. This code, however, is actually extremely simplistic, so I won't bother spending time going through every line. Instead, I'll go straight to C code:

#include <stdio.h>

int GenerateKey(int code)
        //    push    ebx
        //    mov     edx, [esp+arg_0] ; edx gets the reg code
    int edx = code;
        //    xor     ebx, ebx
    int ebx = 0;
        //    mov     ebx, edx
    ebx = edx;
        //    lea     eax, [edx+7]
    int eax = edx + 7;
        //    imul    ebx, eax
    ebx = ebx * eax;
        //    lea     ebx, [ebx+33h]
    ebx = ebx + 0x33;
        //    mov     ecx, 8085h
    int ecx = 0x8085;
        //    mov     eax, ebx
    eax = ebx;
        //    cdq
        //    idiv    ecx
    edx = eax % ecx;
        //    mov     ebx, edx
    ebx = edx;
        //    imul    ebx, 4Fh
    ebx = ebx * 0x4f;
        //    mov     ecx, 702Fh
    ecx = 0x702f;
        //    mov     eax, ebx
    eax = ebx;
        //    cdq
        //    idiv    ecx
    edx = eax % ecx;
        //    mov     ebx, edx
    ebx = edx;
        //    shl     ebx, 5
    ebx = ebx << 5;
        //    lea     eax, [edx+edx*2]
    eax = edx + edx*2;
        //    sub     ebx, eax
    ebx = ebx - eax;
        //    mov     ecx, 47A9h
    ecx = 0x47a9;
        //    mov     eax, ebx
    eax = ebx;
        //    cdq
        //    idiv    ecx
    edx = eax % ecx;
        //    mov     ebx, edx
    ebx = edx;
        //    imul    ebx, 2DBh
    ebx = ebx * 0x2db;
        //    mov     ecx, 2710h
    ecx = 0x2710;
        //    mov     eax, ebx
    eax = ebx;
        //    cdq
        //    idiv    ecx
    edx = eax % ecx;
        //    mov     ebx, edx
    ebx = edx;
        //    lea     eax, [ebx+2710h]
    eax = ebx + 0x2710;
        //    pop     ebx
        //    retn
    return eax;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int code;
    int key;

    printf("Please enter your code --> ");
    scanf("%d", &code);
    key = GenerateKey(code);

    printf("\nYour code: %d\n\n", key);

Cleaned Up C Code

int GenerateKey(int code)
    int edx = code;
    int ebx = 0;
    ebx = edx;
    int eax = edx + 7;
    ebx = ebx * eax;
    ebx = ebx + 0x33;
    int ecx = 0x8085;
    eax = ebx;
    edx = eax % ecx;
    ebx = edx;
    ebx = ebx * 0x4f;
    ecx = 0x702f;
    eax = ebx;
    edx = eax % ecx;
    ebx = edx;
    ebx = ebx << 5;
    eax = edx + edx*2;
    ebx = ebx - eax;
    ecx = 0x47a9;
    eax = ebx;
    edx = eax % ecx;
    ebx = edx;
    ebx = ebx * 0x2db;
    ecx = 0x2710;
    eax = ebx;
    edx = eax % ecx;
    ebx = edx;
    eax = ebx + 0x2710;
    return eax;

Reduced C Code

Basically, to reduce this code, just go from top to bottom and combine the variables, which will easily go this far:

int GenerateKey(int code)
    int edx = ((((code * (code + 7)) + 0x33) % 0x8085) * 0x4f) % 0x702f;
    int ebx = edx;
    int ecx, eax;

    ebx = ebx << 5;
    eax = edx + edx*2;
    ebx = ebx - eax;
    ecx = 0x47a9;
    eax = ebx;
    edx = eax % ecx;
    ebx = edx;
    ebx = ebx * 0x2db;
    ecx = 0x2710;
    eax = ebx;
    edx = eax % ecx;
    ebx = edx;
    eax = ebx + 0x2710;
    return eax;

Finished Code

After reducing the code as far as possible, and using the "code" variable instead of registers, here is the final code:

int GenerateKey(int code)
    code = ((((code * (code + 7)) + 0x33) % 0x8085) * 0x4f) % 0x702f;
    return (((((code << 5) - (code * 3)) % 0x47a9) * 0x2db) % 0x2710) + 0x2710;

I have verified that that code does indeed work.

As I said before, this was for educational purposes only, if you actually want to play the game, please buy it!


Feel free to edit this section and post questions, I'll do my best to answer them. But you may need to contact me to let me know that a question exists.

Category: Assembly Examples