WARNING: Wiki content is an archive, no promise about quality!
- SMB Relay (undecided)
- DSRelay (C)
- FirefoxSavedPasswords (HTML/PHP)
- Fuzzer (undecided)
- nbtool (c)
- filtertest (Perl)
- JavaOp2 (Java)
- Warcraft 3 SRP (doc)
- Starcraft Warden (doc)
- Storm.dll Functions (doc)
- Lockdown (doc)
- Old SRP Implementation (C++)
- MessageSpoofer (VB)
- SCBackstab.com NickSpoofer (VB)
- UNickSpoofer (VB)
- War2Decode (C++)
- War3Decode (C++)
- OperationStasis (C++)
- ospap (PHP)
- ospap2 (PHP)
- Munchkin Quiz (PHP)
- ZombieMeter (PHP)
- DQVIII Item Generator (PHP)
- rp (PHP)
Old Stuff
I've decided to go through all my projects and post them to SVN and also to my wiki. So, this is what will eventually be a complete list of all projects I have that I've kept source for.
- BerserkerDice (C)
- BrokenSHA1 (C++, incomplete)
- CBinaryBot (C++, incomplete)
- ColorText (Java)
- D2Plugin (C++)
- FakeBattlenet (VB6, incomplete)
- FuelPricing (VB6)
- HLKeyChanger (VB6)
- Injector (C++)
- Lottery (Java)
- SHA1.js (Javascript)
- Brute (Perl, C)
- Contest (HTML, Perl, Javascript)
- gtk (C)
- shuffle.pl (Perl)
- simplepoll (Perl)
- Shadowrun Character Assistant (VB, probably incomplete)
- Winsock Packet Sender (VB, unknown)
- vl (C++, VB)
- GaimPlugins (C)
- T&T-Treasure (C)
- MP3 Fixer (Java)
- Match (C)
- Birthdays (C++)
- Startup Scripts (shell)
- Config Files (shell)
- Select (Java)
- Chess (VB6, unknown)
- CattleChat (C)